Pot magnets with internal thread

Compact magnet systems with a steel shell and thread for easy installation in places with low installation height. There is no force on the pot magnet for assembly. Due to the shell of these magnetic systems, the magnetic field strength increases and the pot magnets are more resistant to corrosion and chemicals. Pot magnets have a single attracting surface. This precludes dispersion of the magnetic field.

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What does a neodymium pot magnet consist of?

These super-strong pot magnets are made of the alloy neodymium-iron-boron (NdFeB), which Goudsmit markets under the brand name Neoflux®. The shell - or pot - provides magnetic shielding. Goudsmit supplies neodymium pot magnets with a brass or steel shell. The holding surface is covered with a protective coating to prevent corrosion. The cylinder hole makes the magnet system screwable with a high torque.

Magnetic short circuit

To prevent loss of holding force due to magnetic short-circuit, neodymium magnets with a brass shell may not be pressed directly into steel. Always maintain a minimum distance between the brass shell of the pot magnet and the steel. Contact our experts for specific recommendations.


When does loss of magnetic strength occur?

Neodymium cylindrical and flat pot magnets have a maximum operating temperature of up to 80 °C. When heated to this temperature, the magnet loses 15 to 20% of its magnetic force. This is not permanent; the force is restored when the magnet returns to the normal ambient temperature. External magnetic fields may also cause loss of magnetic force. An air gap or non-magnetic materials located between the magnet and workpiece reduce the tensile force.