Magnetic lid stack rollers

Magnetic lid stack rollers stack and unstack lids, rings and discs of various diameters. Examples include feeding lids to filling/sealing machines in the canning industry or stacking rings in production lines.

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Application of magnetic rollers for can transport

The magnetic rollers are supplied in the form of two separate halves with a 25 mm splined axle hub. Both halves must be mounted on a (non-magnetic) stainless steel shaft. The roller can easily be adjusted to the desired product diameter by adjusting the distance between the two halves.

  • Magnetic lid stacking rollers are suitable for lid diameters from a minimum of 52 to a maximum of 180 mm.

Build your own transport system
With magnetic rollers and rail components, you can build your own magnetic transport system. This allows you to transport various product flows such as empty or full cans, lids, crown caps and so on. It can be a challenge to find out the different types of magnetic rollers you need and how many you need. We are here for you, contact our technical experts, they will be happy to help you.