[Magnet assembly production]

Magnet assembly production

Only with specialist knowledge and technology is it possible to build, test and measure magnet assemblies, prototypes and series. These often invisible technical solutions make the difference.

Through various production methods, material choices and magnetic alloys, we produce custom-made magnet components. With reliable quality and traceability. Your unique magnet from our warehouse. What are your options?

Ultrasonic welding of magnets

Does your product require a magnet that is enclosed in a durable housing?

Using ultrasonic welding, you will get a magnet component whose parts are all properly connected. This technology is applicable to complex shapes and is very accurate. Ultrasound welding is joining thermoplastic materials or metal films by means of high frequency sound waves.

There are various techniques for this. We distinguish between:

  • sealing
  • cutting
  • inserting
  • punching
  • merging

Magnets with a housing made by ultrasound welding are watertight, airtight and aesthetically pleasing. Magnet assemblies are guaranteed to be reproducible. Because there is hardly any heat released during the assembly process, the magnetic force of the permanent magnet is guaranteed.

Ultrasound welding is a good alternative to adhesives or screws.

Whether it’s a magnet for electronics, aerospace technology, automotive or medical industries; you have found the right partner in Goudsmit Magnetics.

Magnet mechanically stronger with housing.

Magnetic alloys are usually weak. Under continuous mechanical pressure, particles break off and the magnet loses volume. As a result, the magnetic field is weakened. A magnet with a protective housing or pot prevents this process.

A fully enclosed magnet system may also be necessary due to environmental requirements. Our team of experienced engineers examines which magnet assembly delivers the right magnetic performance for you while contributing to cost savings and longer service life. Through various production methods, material choices and magnetic alloys, we produce custom-made magnet assemblies.

We offer various assembly options to fit a magnet with a plastic, ferrous metal or non-ferrous metal housing.

Gluing magnets

Important factors for achieving good adhesive bonding are the choice of glue and a carefully controlled gluing process. Due to our years of experience, we know how to apply this like no other.

What is important when gluing magnets properly? The right glue, the right dosage and the curing process determine the quality. In contrast to welding and soldering, gluing is a joining technique that is suitable for bonding almost all materials together. Heating the materials to be connected is usually not necessary during the gluing process. Thanks to our many years of experience, we know how to apply this joining technique to magnets and components like no other.

The gluing process consists of:

  • cleaning the surface
  • preparing the surface
  • applying the glue
  • the chemical reaction of the glue

How do we control optimal glue processes? RobofrOK stands for First Run OK and is the name of our dedicated production area. Here we produce magnet systems and magnet components using glue connections. The gluing process of the magnets occurs at a constant temperature and with the correct humidity. Additionally, applying the glue under constant pressure is important for the quality of the glue connection.

Gluing magnets creates reliable connections. To utilize the properties and the processing in the right way, you need specialists. Through various production methods, material choices and magnetic alloys, we produce custom-made magnet assemblies.

To produce cost-effectively, our specialists have studied the gluing processes and know how to minimize failures and rejects. By partnering with the right suppliers and sharing knowledge, we know all the properties of this specific connection method.

Overmoulding magnets

Hygiene requirements, protection against moisture and dirt or more grip are reasons to give a magnet assembly a rubber coating.

Fully rubber coated magnet.

In the magnet rubberizing process, we often use a polymer to make the magnets waterproof, dust-free and rough. It is necessary to use a die. There are many different polymers. The choice of polymer depends on the application and use of the magnet assembly. Our specialists have studied the application of polymers and magnets. This is the only way to achieve optimally functioning magnet components.

Complete or semi-finished magnet assemblies.

We make complete magnet systems and magnet components for use in your own product or manufacturing process. In many cases, aggregation of assembly operations results in a cost saving.

Our team of experienced engineers examines which magnet assembly delivers the right magnetic performance for you while contributing to cost savings and longer service life. Through various production methods, material choices and magnetic alloys, we produce custom-made magnet assemblies.

Injection moulding magnets

Injection moulding is a manufacturing technique that merges magnets and plastics without adhesives. This enables us to produce large numbers of complex products in which magnets are integrated.

Low cost for large quantities.

Injection moulding is one of the most common techniques used to shape plastic parts. Making a die is costly and therefore injection moulding is only suitable for large production quantities. With multiple dies, with many identical shapes in the same die, we can make series production profitable.

Injection moulding is especially suitable for materials with a low melting point, such as thermoplastics and thermoharders with various metals.

Mechanical assembly

RobofrOK stands for First Run OK and is the name of our dedicated production area. Here we assemble mechanical magnet systems and magnet components that have to meet high quality requirements.

How do we control mechanical assembly?

We test and assemble magnetic components in our specially equipped production area RoboFroK. Assembling the magnets takes place at a constant temperature and with the correct humidity. Through various production methods, material choices and magnetic alloys, we produce custom-made magnet assemblies.

For cost-effectiveness, our skilled workers have studied the mechanical assembly processes and know how to minimize failures and rejects. By working with the right suppliers and by sharing knowledge, we know how to apply specific connection methods perfectly.

Press fit and screws.

The use of magnet systems with press fits and screws reduces assembly operations. This ensures savings in the production chain. A press fit is a coupling in which a shaft is pressed into a hub. Assembling products with magnetic systems with press fits and screws is easy. The quality and operation of the final product can be determined by means of tests and checks.

Magnet systems with press fits and screws offer a solution for critical product and/or process issues. These magnet components are easy to use and save you time and money.

We have a standard range of pot magnets and also deliver custom-made magnets.

Safe and reliable magnets

Reliability, quality and safety start at the source.

That’s why we work with a network of inspected and certified manufacturers and suppliers. We hold the following certificates: ISO 9001; IATF16949. We guarantee the traceability of all our magnets.

Magnets that:

  • meet the right magnetic specifications
  • are high-quality and reliable
  • are certified and inspected


Take advantage of our knowledge, skills and expertise.

Please contact us for advice or a quote.