Pneumatic magnet grippers - Magswitch

Pneumatic Magswitch magnetic end effectors are suitable for robot end-of-arm applications. They lift thick steel products in flat or round shapes.

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Application of pneumatic magnetic grippers - Magswitch

Pneumatic Magswitch handling magnets are suitable for various end-of-arm applications, including for robots. They pick up or grab ferromagnetic workpieces with flat or round surfaces such as pipes, cylinders, etc. These handling magnets have a rectangular housing with - optionally - exchangeable pole shoes. This means they can be adjusted to the shape of your product.


Type AR

Magswitch magnet for smaller objects up to 150kg. With three possible work surfaces, this lifting magnet offers maximum flexibility for all sorts of robot applications.



This Magswitch lifting magnet is designed for applications where stability and force are important. It is ideal for long cylinders, pipes and rough surfaces.


Operation of pneumatic magnetic grippers - Magswitch

The Magswitch technology is patented and entails the magnets rotating relative to each other. This switches the magnet on and off. The magnet is pneumatically switched and controlled by a 5/3 or 5/2 valve.