Add-on magnetic drum separators

Easy-to-install drum magnets for the continuous separation of coarse or sharp iron particles. Various magnet strengths and types available to separate strong- or weakly- magnetic particles.

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Application of add-on magnetic drum separators

Add-on magnetic drum separators purify product streams. This takes place before the next processing step, such as non-ferrous separation or plastic sorting. The undesired, weakly magnetic iron parts are then separated from the main current so that they do not interfere in the next machining step. This way you achieve a higher separation efficiency, which also results in the recovery (recycling) of a clean, salable iron fraction. To achieve good separation it is important that the material is supplied in a consistent flow, which can be achieved with a vibratory feeder or conveyor belt for example.

Type F

The 1,800 drum magnets have an axial magnet system and are suitable for separation of ferromagnetic particles. These are built with a ferrite magnet segment, in some cases strengthened with neodymium. These drum magnets are not suitable for separation of weakly magnetic metal particles.

  • cost effective
  • axial magnet system
  • capture Fe particles from 2 mm
  • max. particle size 100 mm
  • magnetic field depth 100 mm
  • ferrite magnet

Type B

The 3000 gauss magnet has the same configuration as type F, however, this system is built with Neodymium magnets instead of Ferrite magnets.

  • axial magnet system
  • capture Fe particles from 0.5 mm
  • max. particle size 100 mm
  • magnetic field depth 100 mm

Type P

The 6,000 gauss (Power) drum magnet also has an axial magnetic system, but thanks to its high magnetic force and deep holding field it is also suitable for separation of coarse and even fine Fe particles and weakly magnetic particles such as stainless steel and other steel alloys. The magnet segment consists entirely of neodymium magnets.

  • axial magnet system
  • capture weakly magnetic particles > 0.5 mm
  • capture Fe particles > 0.1 mm
  • magnetic field depth 150 mm

Type H

The 8,000 gauss ('High gradient') drum magnet has a radial magnet system and is used for smaller layer thickness than the 6,000 gauss drum magnet. The 8,000 gauss is not really intended for separation of ferromagnetic particles. These may only be present sporadically, because they disrupt the magnetic field, which is detrimental to the separation of weakly magnetic metal particles. Therefore a 8,000 gauss drum magnet is usually placed at the end of a processing step (preceded by other separators).

  • radial magnet system
  • capture weakly magnetic particles > 0.1 mm
  • capture Fe particles > 30 µm (sporadically)
  • magnetic field depth 30 mm

Working principle

In case of overfed drum magnets, the material is fed over the drum. As soon as an iron part passes through the magnet, it is attracted and carried over the drum until the part comes out of the magnetic field. The iron part is then released and falls behind a divider plate.