Magnetic palletizers

With palletization magnets, you pack tins, aerosols, cans and glass jars with steel lids in one go. The magnet holds a layer of products without an energy supply. They are suitable for attachment to a robot arm or gantry crane (palletizing machines) and help with packing and unpacking in automated processes.

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Application of palletising magnets

Goudsmit magnetic palletizers use permanent magnetic force to lift and hold steel products in one go. They do this without a power supply. Palletization magnets hold a layer of products for as long as needed.


Design of palletising magnets

The unique parallel mechanism of the palletization magnet guarantees a trouble-free production process, even with non-uniform loads. For example, when picking up a half layer with products. The special Goudsmit design has a long service life, requires little maintenance and consumes little air.

Operation per magnet system

With ferrite fine pole magnet system.
For palletizing empty aerosol cans and empty tins.

Product dimensions:

  • aerosols: Ø45-65 mm; max. height 229 mm 
  • tins: Ø44-87 mm; max. height 116 mm.

With neodymium - Neoflux® - medium pole magnet system.
For palletizing large filled tins.

Product dimensions:

  • tins: min. Ø65 mm (up to 0.6 kg) - max. Ø230 mm (up to 5 kg).

With neodymium - Neoflux® - fine pole magnet system.
For palletizing/depalletizing extra-large filled tins and filled jars with screw lids.

Product dimensions:

  • screw lids: Ø34 mm (up to 0.45 kg)
  • screw lids: Ø42 mm (up to 0.85 kg)
  • screw lids: Ø56 mm (up to 1.1 kg)
  • screw lids: Ø82 mm (up to 2.2 kg)
  • screw lids: Ø110 mm (up to 4.0 kg)