External pole magnets - manual quick cleaning

For filtering ferrous contaminants from coarse, free-falling, high-capacity pipelines. The magnet plates are placed outside the product channel to secure an unobstructed product flow. Cleaning is quick and easy, by means of a hinged extractor plate (quick-cleaning).

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Application: Free-fall pipes for powders & granulates

External pole magnets filter ferromagnetic (Fe) impurities – such as iron and steel – from 0.5 to 50 mm out of powders and granulates in free-fall lines. They are used in the bulk, animal feed, plastics, ceramic and recycling industries, among others. External pole magnets are very robust and are able to process high capacities. The magnets are located outside the product channel, so the product can fall through freely. If fine ferrous particles must be separated from powder flows, we recommend our Cleanflow magnets.


Construction & materials data

Two magnetic plates are located opposite each other, outside the product chute. They have a deeply reaching, powerful holding field, which is strengthened through clever construction of the magnets. This enables them to 'capture' Fe particles from the product stream. 

The magnets are fitted with hinged extractor plates for quick and easy cleaning. The magnets attract the ferrous contaminants, and clamp them against the extractor plate. Ridges on the extractor plate provide extra 'shelter' and extra clamping force for the captured ferrous parts. As a result, the product flow cannot "drag them along" again.

Click on a product variant to find the data sheet, drawings and other downloadable product information.


Summary of important specifications

  • Magnet quality ferrite or neodymium
  • Materials housing and materials in contact with product: stainless steel
  • Finishing: grit blasted / magnets painted
  • Material gaskets neodymium version: Silicone acc. EC1935 / FDA
  • Material gaskets ferrite version: sponge rubber / silicone


Available versions, options & accessories

  • Magnet quality: ferrite or neodymium
  • Basic type: standard execution, grit blasted
  • Round or square in-/outlet
  • Food/pharma type: hygienic execution, polished
  • Only square in-/outlet

Working principle: Filtering & discharging of ferrous contaminants

How does the magnetic filtering work?
The 2 magnetic plates are placed on the outside of the product channel. Therefore a guide profile is placed in the center of the inlet flange, to force the product flow towards the magnets. The product contaminated with ferrous particles passes the magnets while flowing through the separator. The magnets attract the ferrous particles, which are then held against the extractor plate. Ridges on the extractor plates provide extra 'shelter' and extra clamping force for the captured ferrous particles, so that the product flow cannot 'drag' them along again.

How does the cleaning / iron discharging work?
For these quick-cleaning type external pole magnets, you need to interrupt the product flow in order to be able to clean the magnets. Swing the magnets with extractor plates completely outwards. Then turn the hinged extractor plates away from the magnets. As soon as the captured ferrous particles are out of the magnetic field reach, they will automatically fall off.

Cleaning / iron discharging sequence

  1. Stop the product flow.
  2. Loosen the quick-release clamps.
  3. Swing the complete magnet unit as far away from the housing as possible.
  4. Swing the extractor plate away from the magnet.
  5. The ferrous particles now fall from the extractor plates; collect and dispose of them.
  6. Clean all parts with a soft, clean cloth and - if necessary - a suitable cleaning liquid.
  7. Swing the extractor plate back against the magnet.
  8. Swing the complete magnet unit back against the housing.
  9. Retighten the quick-release clamps.
  10. Restart the product flow.