Free fall magnetic separators

Magnetic separators filter and remove metal contaminants from your product flow. They increase product quality and prevent damage to your production line. Magnets always work and offer high operational reliability. Metal contaminants, also known as foreign bodies, are for example staples, nails and screws from packaging, bolts and nuts that have vibrated loose, worn steel or stainless steel particles from machines, and rust particles as a result of corrosion.

Detecting and removing these contaminants prevents:

  • rejected batches
  • product recalls
  • downtime of your machinery
  • high costs and reputational damage
  • claims

Removal of metal contaminants from free-fall product streams

Metal contaminants not only contaminate your product, they can also cause serious damage to your machines. Magnetic separators filter large loosened parts to very fine worn particles. These can be removed in various ways: from manual wiping to fully automatic cleaning systems.

For every type of product transport:

Magnetic separators are suitable for almost every conceivable type of product flow:

  • Granular product streams, such as plastics, minerals and foodstuffs.
    Examples: chamotte, quartz sand, glass, silica, corundum, plastic injection moulded pellets, cocoa beans, cereals, sugar.
    Magnetic separators: Cleanflow magnets | Pipe magnets | Drum magnets


  • Powdered product streams, such as food, ceramics, minerals, pharma and chemicals.
    Examples: cocoa, milk powder, flour, starch, tobacco, tea, coffee, spices, salt, lactose, baby food, talcum powder, lithium, aluminium oxide, titanium oxide, carbon black, animal feed, zinc oxide, calcium carbonate, medicine powders.
    Magnetic separators: Cleanflow magnets | Chute magnets


Three good reasons to install a magnetic separator


1. Magnets improve your product quality/purity

Not just in food products; even the smallest contaminants are undesirable in the pharmaceutical, chemical or ceramic industries as they lower the quality of the end product. Rejected batches are costly, but it’s even worse if the contaminants are not detected and removed. You then run the risk of having to recall products. The consequence: huge costs and reputational damage.


2. Magnets prevent damage to your production machinery

You prevent damage and production downtime by installing a magnetic separator in bulk flows, in front of the inlet of your production machines. In machines such as grinders, ball and pin mills, calenders and crushers.


3. Magnets prevent dust explosions

Fine dust in combination with oxygen and a source of ignition can result in dust explosions. Filtering metal particles from the process prevents metal on metal from acting as an ignition source. You avoid serious injuries and damage to your machines. Many of our magnetic separators are suitable for use in ATEX zone 20/21. 

Goudsmit is a certified manufacturer of ATEX equipment. The quality assurance system is externally certified and guarantees the explosion protection of our magnetic separators.


Magnetic separator or a metal detector?

A magnetic separator removes the metal contaminants from the product flow. Magnetic separators have virtually no product loss and are suitable for removing large amounts of metal contaminants. Iron parts are removed during planned production stops or continuously during production. They cause hardly any product loss.

A metal detector only detects metal contamination. To remove the detected metal part, you must stop the production line or have an ejector remove the metal part. This leads to a lot of production and product loss.

Contact us

Do you have any questions or want to know more about our magnetic separators? Contact Goudsmit Magnetics today. Our expert team is ready to provide you with advice and support.