Plate demagnetizers

Demagnetize flat or single-sided magnetic products up to 10 mm thick. A plate demagnetizer is suitable for locations where there is too little space for a tunnel, or for installation under an existing conveyor belt. Available combined with conveyor belt or roller conveyor for automated processes.

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Plate demagnetizers for flat small steel products up to 10 mm

Whether you work in metalworking, electronics or any other industry where demagnetisation is a crucial part of the production process, our plate demagnetizers offer the perfect solution. With our extensive expertise and innovative technologies, we are your partner for efficient and reliable demagnetisation of steel products with undesired magnetism.

Applications of plate demagnetizers

Goudsmit Magnetics plate demagnetizers are used worldwide in various sectors. Some of the most common applications include:

  • Metalworking: Removal of unwanted magnetic fields after machining or heat treatment of metal parts.
  • Electronics: Demagnetisation of components and tools to prevent faults and interference.
  • Mechanical engineering: Optimising the quality and performance of parts by demagnetizing them.

Contact us

Do you have any questions or want to know more about our demagnetisation tables? Contact Goudsmit Magnetics today. Our expert team is ready to provide you with advice and support.