Electro holding magnets

Electro holding magnets - also called holding electromagnets or electromagnetic grippers - are used for picking up, positioning and holding steel items. The round shape and a threaded hole at the bottom make them ideal for building into existing systems. These solenoid electromagnets are switched on and off with an electrical voltage.

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Application of electro holding magnets

A well-known problem when picking up thin sheets with a powerful electro holding magnet is too deep a radiation of the magnetic field, causing the system to lift several sheets at once. The use of many small electromagnets prevents this.

  • The maximum shear force is about 1/4 of the maximum holding force.
  • The central threaded hole on the back makes mounting very easy.
  • You will need a control box for electrical switching and power supply to the magnets.

Electro holding magnets can be used as:

  • Door magnet. Adhesive magnets are an indispensable part of a door magnet system. With the right electromagnet, you can build a safe system for keeping doors open, closed or locked automatically.
  • Pick & place magnet. Round electro holding magnets have a shallow magnetic field. This makes them particularly suitable for picking up, holding and unloading thin steel objects, up to a thickness of 10 mm.

Switchable with electrical voltage

There are 2 types:

  • Electromagnets: attract a steel object when the coil in the magnet is switched on. When the coil is switched off, the magnet immediately releases.
  • Electropermanent magnets: possess permanent magnetic force. When the coil is switched off, the magnet attracts the workpiece. Switching on the coil neutralises the permanent magnetic force. The magnet is now out of action and immediately releases the workpiece. These magnets are an ideal solution if you need to hold your workpiece reliably even in a currentless state.