Rotating Cleanflow - automatic discontinuous

These new 'EasyClean' type Cleanflows are equipped with robust Ø50 mm magnetic bars, that measure no less than 12,000 gauss at the contact surface of the bars. Suitable for magnetic filtering of small amounts of ferrous and even weakly-magnetic contaminants from high-capacity granulate and powder flows in free-fall and low-pressure transport pipes up to 0.5 bar. The automatic cleaning makes this separator suitable for situations where the magnetic separator is hardly or not accessible for operation and cleaning.

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Application: Dusty, poorly flowing powders

The rotating, automatically cleaned Cleanflow magnets are very suitable for dusty and poorly flowing - like fatty - powders. The automatic cleaning makes them also suitable for situations where the magnetic separator is hardly or not accessible for operation and cleaning.


Construction & materials data

Short description
These completely dust-tight, rotary Cleanflow magnets contain a rotor with magnetic bars. The magnetic bars are Ø34 mm sealed stainless steel tubes inside of which very strong neodymium magnet bundles move pneumatically in and out.

Click on a product variant to find the data sheet, drawings and other downloadable product information.


Summary of important specifications

  • Siemens LOGO control
  • Ø34 mm pneumatic operated magnetic bars mounted in a rotor
  • Pneumatic bar and valve movement
  • Magnet quality: neodymium N-42, 9400 gauss on the Ø34 mm tube
  • Material housing and rotor: AISI304 / AISI316L
  • Finish: grit blasted
  • Material gaskets/seals: NBR, EC1935 / FDA



Working principle: Trapping & discharging of ferrous contaminants

These automated cleaning Cleanflow magnets have a rotor with several pneumatically operated magnetic bars. Each magnetic bar has a magnet package that pneumatically moves inside an enclosing tube.

During a cleaning cycle, the magnet bundles are pneumatically moved out of the product channel. The moving magnets pull the captured ferrous particles along with them over the tube surface. However, they are stopped by the housing side plate halfway the tube length. As soon as the magnets are far enough out, the captured ferrous particles will fall into the product channel, after which the valve box ensures further discharge.

Cleaning sequence:

  1. Stop the product stream.
  2. Give start signal to the magnet's control unit.
    1. Now first the valve in the valve box is automatically switched to iron discharge position.
    2. Then the magnets inside the pneumatic tubes are moved automatically out of the product channel.
      The captured metal particles want to 'travel' with the magnets, but are held by retainer rings on the magnet bar tubes. As soon as the magnets are out of reach, the captured particles automatically drop off of the tubes, into the valve box, where they are discharged further.
    3. Then the magnets inside the pneumatic tubes are moved automatically back into the product channel.
    4. Then the magnets are all back in, the valve will automatically be switched back to its production position.
    5. As soon as the magnets and valve are back in production position, the control will give a 'ready for production' signal
  3. You can now safely resume production.