Magnetic sweepers

Magnetic sweepers - also called magnetic brooms - sweep up iron and steel parts from clean or rough floors or sandy surfaces. In short, in places where iron is not or very difficult to sweep together or is not visible, such as in sand. The brooms collect metal debris, such as nails, screws, nuts, chips and grinding dust in workshops, factory halls, festival areas, exhibition halls and on paved or sandy parking lots or camping grounds. Fast and easy cleanable.

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Magnetic sweepers make it easy to wipe iron dirt off your floor

Magnetic nail sweepers 'sweep up' iron particles from clean or rough floors or sandy surfaces. They work well in areas where it is very difficult to sweep up iron (or just the iron and nothing else) or it is not visible, such as in sand. The strong magnet in the broom collects metal debris, such as nails, screws, nuts, chips and grinding dust in workshops, factory halls, festival areas, exhibition halls and on paved or sandy parking lots or camping grounds.

We have standard types and 'specials' available

  • In addition to the standard magnetic brooms on this page, we are happy to make a special broom for you on request.
  •  Other dimensions or attachments for forklift forks or trailers


Cleaning & discharging of caught iron particles

Bar magnet type
The bar magnet has a scraper ring, with which you can slide the captured iron particles to the side. There the iron automatically falls from the bar housing.

Plate magnet type
This type of magnetic broom contains a strong plate magnet with a hinged separator plate (extractor plate) in front. After the floor has been swept the separation plate can be swung away, causing the iron particles to automatically fall off. It can then easily be swept up with a dustpan and broom.