[ATEX, IECEx certificate]

ATEX, IECEx certificate

Goudsmit delivers ATEX and IECEx certified magnets and magnet systems

Magnet systems are often placed in spaces where dust explosions can occur. It goes without saying that the magnet system itself must not be an ignition source.

Working in an explosive environment therefore requires strict guidelines and measures. It is not only equipment and products that must be compliant. Employees must also know how to work safely in explosion risk zones.

ATEX and IECEx are quality certificates for equipment manufacturers and users. Knowing how hazardous situations arise and excluding them by checking whether products, equipment, the working environment and employees meet the set requirements.

We are experts in electro-technical explosion protection. Our magnet systems are ATEX certified. An externally certified quality assurance system is required for manufacturers of ATEX equipment.

Goudsmit is one of the few companies in the magnet industry to possess the IECEx certification.

Mechanical sparks and dust explosions

Detecting and removing metal contaminants prevents mechanical sparks from causing dust explosions. We make this possible with our magnetic separators for bulk goods.