[ISO 14001]

ISO 14001

Goudsmit Magnetics pursues an appropriate environmental policy in accordance with international standards and manages, reduces or eliminates environmental risks. By achieving ISO14001 certification, we demonstrate that we meet all the requirements of this standard

Together, we are working towards creating a better environment. That is why we also set requirements for our suppliers. The products we produce and supply must comply with sustainability.

We strive to continuously improve environmental performance and therefore to continuously meet the ISO14001 standard. This applies to all aspects of the company, such as products, internal processes, suppliers and performance.

For example, we have taken the following measures to improve the environment:

  • all lighting is LED;
  • adjustment of extraction to prevent air pollution;
  • using and reusing packaging that is better for the environment;
  • better management and separation of waste;
  • reducing CO2 emissions by using electric cars in our fleet;
  • reducing CO2 emissions by travelling by train or car as much as possible instead of flying;
  • our suppliers are assessed and reconsidered according to ISO14001 standards.

You can find our accredited ISO14001 certificate here.