Compact 12,000 gauss bullet magnet for free-fall and pressure pipes

Our very latest development is a compact bullet magnet that requires half the installation height of its predecessor and, moreover, is twice as strong. Made entirely of stainless steel, the magnetic separator contains a core of neodymium (NdFeB) magnets and creates a flux density of 12,000 gauss. The conical-shaped magnet core contains more pole plates, so even 30 µm particles stick to more engagement points. This results in a higher degree of separation and also makes it possible to capture smaller metal particles in addition to coarse ones. Steel parts present in the product flow such as bolts, nuts, washers, screws, small metal balls and clips can be effortlessly separated from grains, corn, flour, wheat flour and other incoming goods flows. The new magnet system is not only suitable for mounting in free-fall pipes, but also for pressure pipes. The stainless steel bullet magnet can be used in food and other industries.

Low installation height & compact design

The 12,000 gauss bullet magnet was developed in response to specific market demands.  The first requirement was to develop a bullet magnet with a low installation height that, with a small adjustment in terms of pipe length, can be easily integrated into existing processes.  This, together with the high flux density, means that the magnet can already be used at goods intake. An additional advantage is that the bullet magnet captures smaller metal particles in addition to large metal particles, improving product quality. This prevents dust explosions and damage to machinery, resulting in production stoppages. The stainless steel bullet magnet can be optionally equipped with various flanges, such as DIN, Jacob etc. This makes the product widely applicable.  

Quick access for easy cleaning

Despite the strong permanent magnet core, the magnet is easy to clean. Through the door with horizontal suspension, inspecting for contamination levels is seconds work. The magnet can be opened and cleaned by hand or a scraper. Smaller metal parts, such as balls, can be easily pushed above the conical top of the magnetic core and then removed. This is an improvement over previously designed versions.   To prevent the magnet from being opened during the production process, it is possible to equip the stainless steel bullet magnet with a safety switch. 

Published on: 07-01-2024 Back